The Grit Society
We are not fans of the traditional "Ambassador Programs" that you see through many companies. We are not interested in requiring someone to give us a certain number of "likes" or "shares" or anything like that.
Our vision for The Grit and Co. is one of community. We want to be a resource, a place where we can all come to get encouraged, filled up, and ready to go back into battle. A place where we can find prayer and support for each other. A place that operates a lot more like we believe, the church was intended to operate.
That being said, The Grit Society is as close as we will come to an Ambassador Program. Of course, we would love if you spread the word, but for us, we are far more interested in bringing people together with all of our collective challenges, experiences, wisdom, and encouragement.
If you are interested in being part of the Grit Society, we have a couple things that we ask:
1. If you have a story in your life, whether past or present, about overcoming hardship, failure, or anything else that you believe would serve to encourage or inspire others. Whether it be physical, emotional, mental... whatever the adversity, we would love to hear it! We would also love to share it on our website and on social media. If you aren't comfortable with your name being used, of course we can keep it anonymous, we will only use what you feel comfortable sharing!
2. Let us know what "For This We Fight" means to you personally.
3. Any comments or suggestions on what the page/community means to you, things you would like to see out of it, or any way our message has helped you, any or all would be appreciated!
4. When we send you gear, leave us a review of the product on the website.
Send us your responses in an email at
In return, we'll send you some free gear, samples of apparel we're considering releasing, and 20% off all purchases!
Thanks for supporting us and we look forward to getting to know you!
-Jon and Cody